Riccardo Argurio
Office O.6.114
email: Riccardo.Argurio[at]ulb.be
Research interests: String theory, holography, branes at singularities; Strongly coupled gauge theories, (super)symmetry and (super)symmetry breaking; Quantum field theory, renormalization and the hierarchy problem
Personal web page

Glenn Barnich
Office O.6.216
email: Glenn.Barnich[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Quantization methods for gauge field theories, BRST and Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, algebraic approach to anomalies and renormalization, jet bundle description of local field theories, symmetries and conservation laws in gauge and gravitational theories, higer spin gauge fields, black holes, quantum gravity, monopoles, duality, asymptotically flat and (anti-) de Sitter spacetimes, Casimir physics
Personal web page

Andrès Collinucci
Office O.6.110
email: Giulio.Collinucci[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, F-theory, algebraic geometry

Geoffrey Compère
Office O.6.101
email: Geoffrey.Compere[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Gravitation, fundamental physics, black holes, gravitational waves, asymptotic symmetries, memory effects
Personal web page

Stéphane Detournay
Office O.6.116
email: Stephane.Detournay[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Quantum gravity, horizon entropy, holography, black holes. In particular: holography for non-AdS spacetimes (e.g. flat space, Kerr black holes, cosmologies), deformations of AdS/CFT, connexion to non-conformal but possibly integrable field theories, lower dimensional gravity, asymptotic symmetries

Frank Ferrari
Office N.6.202
email: Frank.Ferrari[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Quantum theory of fields, strings and gravity, in particular: quantum theory of black holes, SYK models, tensor and matrix-tensor models, Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity.

Marc Henneaux
Office N.5.105
email: Marc.Henneaux[at]ulb.be
Research interests: Asymptotic symmetries, higher spin gauge files, E(10) hidden symmetry, 3D gravity, algebraic structure of gauge theories

Chiara Toldo
Joining in May 2025
Research interests: string theory, general relativity, holography, black holes and their microstate counting, quantum field theory and supersymmetric localization, models of low dimensional gravity (such as Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity) and chaos, holographic/path integral approaches to de Sitter

Soumyadeep Chaudhuri
Office: O.6.201
email: Soumyadeep.Chaudhuri[at]ulb.be

Mario De Marco
Office O.6.111
email: Mario.De.Marco[at]ulb.be

Sudipta Dutta
Office O.6.117

Giovanni Galati
Office O.6.210
email: Giovanni.Galati[at]ulb.be

Sk Jahanur Hoque
Office O.6.212
email: jahanur.hoque[at]utf.mff.cuni.cz

Kévin Nguyen
Office O.6.211
email: Kevin.Nguyen2[at]ulb.be
Personal web page

Gabriel Andres Piovano
Office O.6.117

Jakob Salzer
Office O.6.204
email: Jakob.Salzer[at]ulb.be

Stathis Vitouladitis
Office O.6.203
email: stathis.vitouladitis[at]ulb.be

Adrien Arbalestrier
Office N.6.101
email: Adrien.Arbalestrier[at]ulb.be

Gonzalo Barriga
Office N6.206
email: Gonzalo.Barriga[at]ulb.be

Augustin Basilavecchia
Office N6.206
email: Augustin.Basilavecchia[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Glenn Barnich
Thesis: Discrete light-cone quantization for field theories and gravity

Emilie Despontin
Office N.7.205
email: Emilie.Despontin[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Stéphane Detournay

José Pablo Figueroa Silva
Office N.6.206
email: Jose.Figueroa.Silva[at]ulb.be
Co-supervised by Stéphane Detournay (ULB - Belgium) & Julio Oliva (UdeC - Chile)
Thesis: Black hole entropy beyond AdS/CFT

Dima Fontaine
Office N.6.206
email: Dima.Fontaine[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Geoffrey Compère
Thesis: Signatures of strong-field gravity at the photon ring

Loïc Honet
Office N.6.203
email: Loic.Honet[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Geoffrey Compère

Elise Paznokas
Office N.6.101
email: Elise.Paznokas[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Riccardo Argurio

Ludovico Machet
Office O.6.202
email: Ludovico.Machet[at]ulb.be / ludovico.machet[at]kuleuven.be
Supervised by Thomas Hertog (KULeuven) & Geoffrey Compère (ULB)
Thesis: Fundamental Physics with LISA

Louan Mol
Office O.6.102
email: Louan.Mol[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Andrès Collinucci & co-supervised by Riccardo Argurio

Sébastien Robert
Office N.7.205
email: Sebastien.Robert[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Geoffrey Compère
Master thesis: Definition of quadrupole in general relativity

Thomas Smoes
Office N.7.204
email: Thomas.Smoes[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Stéphane Detournay

Wendi Tan
Office N.7.201
email: Wendi.Tan[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Glenn Barnich

Romain Vandepopeliere
Office O.6.102
email: Romain.Vandepopeliere[at]ulb.be
Supervided by Riccardo Argurio

Robin Landry
Office N.7.105
email: robin.landry[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Geoffrey Compère
Master thesis: Spin of black holes at timelike infinity and Celestial Holography

Giovanni Spinielli
Office N.7.104
email: giovanni.spinielli[at]ulb.be
Supervised by Stéphane Detournay
Master thesis: Carrollian approach to fermion scattering

Jay Armas
email: jarmas[at]ulb.ac.be

Nicolas Boulanger
Office (ULB) O.6.216
UMONS: Unit "Physics of the Universe, Fields and Gravitation"
email: Nicolas.Boulanger[at]umons.ac.be
Research interests: Higher-spin gauge theories, quantization of gauge systems and (hidden) symmetries in gravity

Andrea Campoleoni
Office 0.6.210
email: Andrea.Campoleoni[at]umons.ac.be
UMONS: Unit "Physics of the Universe, Fields and Gravitation"
Research interests: High-spin gauge theories, gravitational theories in three space-time dimensions, holography.

Nathalie Deruelle
Office N.7.202
email: deruelle[at]ihes.fr
Research interests: General Relativity, gravitational radiation, cosmology

Adrien Druart
Office N.6.206
email: Adrien.Druart[at]ulb.be
Research interests: General relativity, gravitational waves, classical black holes, self-force and radiation reaction in general relativity, extreme mass-ratio inspirals

Gaston Giribet
email: gaston[at]df.uba.ar

Alexander Sevrin
email: Alexandre.Sevrin[at]vub.be
Head of the department of physics and astronomy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Guest professor at the Universities of Antwerp and Leuven
Deputy Director of the International Solvay Institutes
Research interests: Strategic Research Programme: High-Energy Physics at the VUB

Fabienne DE NEYN
Office O.6.108
email: Fabienne.De.Neyn[at]ulb.be
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 58 16

Office O.6.208
email: Helene.Kajianis[at]ulb.be
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 55 83

Office O.6.207
email: Delphine.Vantighem[at]ulb.be
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 57 77